Ibanez JS 2015 signature Satriani

 In Gear

The year 2015 is a very particular year for Ibanez guitars and Joe Satriani. The Ibanez JS 2015 definitively adopted a 24 frets neck with a single coil-size humbucker for the neck pickup. With a new Prestige JS guitar, a entry-level JS and a collector JS guitar, 2015 is truly a Grand Cru!

The New Ibanez JS guitars 2015

The JS140, affordable and classy

The Ibanez JS140 takes over the JS guitar that has been sold for the longest period, the JS100, with a 24 frets neck thats meets new Infinity RD and Quantum DiMarzio pickups and the new JS ergonomic cutaway, bringing it up-to-date. The neck has a 400mmR and the Edge Zero II features as the bridge. All the principal features to have a true JS guitar between your hand, that’s the purpose of the JS140.

We announce a new video test for this guitar.

The JS2450, a Prestige model

The Ibanez JS2450 is the second JS guitar having an alder body, a rare feature that was exclusive to the orange JS2410 and except for the finish, they are exactly the same axes. The combination between the “Muscle Car Purple” MCP, a deep purple sparkle and the chrome pickups is unexpected and very effective. The 3 pieces neck with maple and bubinga brings a good presence in addition of an attractive visual aspect. The DiMarzio pickups are the guarantee to have the Satch tone, and the Ultralite Tremolo Arm the best comfort possible for playing.

Discover our exclusive test of the Ibanez JS2450.

The JS25ART, a collector piece of art

Indeed they are celebrating their 25 anniversary of their collaboration, making 50 collector models of the Ibanez JS25ART, a high quality and ultra rare guitar featuring Joe’s personal artwork. The neck featuring is the finest neck a JS guitar has every had, only 56mm width at last fret and a 19mm thickness at first fret, and that’s an technical feat if you consider that the 24 neck is obviously longer than the great majority of JS guitars that are 22 frets.

25 models are alloted to the USA and the other models are shared out worldwide, click here to discover all about the Ibanez JS25ART.

The Ibanez JS production in 2015

The production of the revolutionary JS2400, that introduced the 24 frets neck in the JS series and new JS body shape, stopped. Meanwhile, the JS1200 celebrates his 11th anniversary with his iconic “Candy Apple” CA red color, and it’s the last JS guitar with a 22 frets neck produced.

The serial production includes 3 levels of finition, for top to bottom the Prestige, the Premium, and the entry-level. The JS2450 and the JS2410 are the Premium models (with the JS1200), the best woods and level of finition are included for those high-quality guitars. The JS140 we’ve just talk about his the more affordable model, an between them with have the JS24P Premium guitar, the best compromise you can ever have on a JS guitar.

In your guitar shop

The 5 models of Ibanez JS guitars still produced in 2015 and available in your guitar shops, the JS Prestige first, then the JS Premium and finally the more affordable JS series.

The JS2450Muscle Car Purple” MCP Prestige.

The JS2410Muscle Car Orange” MCO Prestige.

The JS1200 “Candy Apple” CA Prestige.

The JS24P “Candy Apple” CA Premium.

The JS140 “White” WH.

And you, what model are you looking for? Have you ever tried of of those axes? We await your comments down below! 😉

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  • Brad Coudray

    It’s a really great year for all Ibanez JS lovers ! 🙂

  • Andrew

    Hi all, I own a JS24P and have to say that it’s really really good guitar, it covers most of the sounds of modern music. It’s even better when you set it up properly, so find a professional luthier and this guitar will take you to heaven 🙂

    • Saturax

      Hi Andrew I have the same opinion as you, I tried this guitar once and the comfort was amazing!

  • Wayne Schwartz

    Hi everyone! I am really surprised that they are stopping production on the JS2400. I absolutely love mine! Glad I got one. I really want to get the JS2410 as well. I have the JS1000 and the JS1200 as well.

  • luca

    anyone has any news on Ibanez model with sustainic? Joe said that should have the color purple, will be produced in this year or in 2016? What do you say?

    • Saturax

      Hi Luca! A Sustainiac version of the JS2450 is still planned, I think that’s a thing Joe cares a lot for his Ibanez JS line. I will ask him when I have the occasion of course, the answer will be known asap! 😉

      • luca

        perfect !!
        thank you very much …
        I look forward to the news …..

        • luca

          News of Sustainiac?

  • Tito

    This news is very bien.

  • luca

    News of Js Sustainiac ?

    • Saturax

      Not yet… But in the few weeks to come I will manage to get in contact with Ibanez staff and ask them, I’m starving for any Sustainiac model too !!!

  • Claude

    Owner of a very juicy JS1200 (signed by the Master himself on a private meeting in Luxemburg city), I am quite satisfied with it, but I would love to have a try on the new JS2450, and its very beautiful Purple finish…

  • Ivan Loaces

    So is it possible to get a JS24p and put the single coil sustainiac in the neck replacing the stock pickup? I know it’s not possible with the JS100/140 because the electronics cavity is to small

    • Saturax

      I know from the Sustainiac team that it is actually possible, the cavity from the JS2400, JS2410 and JS2450 is the same, and is compatible 😉 Just email them if you still have doubts.

      • Ivan Loaces

        I actually recently ordered a single coil Sustainiac driver and found a pristine used JS2400 at a great price. The neck pickup was oxidized. Can’t wait to install and let her rip. Thanks for the reply

        • Saturax

          You’re welcome, can’t wait to see your photographs if you take some ! 🙂

  • kevin

    Just picked up a very clean used js1200, it came strung up with tens, that had to go. Put nines on it and set it up in short order. Absolutely beautiful guitar.

    • Saturax

      It’s quite a solid value in the Ibanez JS collection that’s for sure.

  • Constantine Notaridis

    I own a JS 1200. Is it possible to install a Sustainiac pickup on that guitar or are there plans to for Ibanez to come out with a JS Guitar with that pickup already installed?

    • Saturax

      There’s maybe a guitar with an alternative version of the Sustainiac developped by DiMarzio that is planned, Joe told us that on the last interview we did but I think it will take some time to come up, at least one year. It is possible to install a Sustainiac pickup on your guitar, you should install the Stealt Pro – 2 coil version. Joe had a JS1200 with this pickup, you can see it on the live Satchurated. 🙂

      • Constantine Notaridis

        Awesome!! Thank U so much for the reply.

evertune bridge joe satriani ibanez js of the week signature joe satrianii